Create outstanding relationships with the men in your life!






Want to know how to create AND sustain passionate long-term relationships!  Yes, It's possible! 


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I'M Kyles

Read my story  ➝

Having been a strong independent woman most of my life, I leant the hard way of the impact of having highly development masculine traits. Whist this served me very well in my career and business success it cost me dearly in my personal life. After my 20-year marriage broke down I embarked on a massive journey of self-discovery and self-development that took me all over the world to learn from some of the best educators in the fields. Understanding how our masculine and feminine traits influence our relationships was hands-down the BIGGEST 'aha' moment for me. After implementing and living in this new way of being for the past number of years I have   transformed my life and my relationships, especially my love life!

I have had the privilege of being guided and empowered by Kylie, a true role model of inspiration and support for women on their journey and self-belief. She has an innate ability to help women build healthy boundaries, allowing us to prioritise our well-being and happiness. Through her guidance, I've learned to honour and nurture my own needs, resulting in a newfound sense of self-worth and confidence. If you are seeking a mentor or guide to help you unlock your potential, embrace your feminine energy and create a life filled with joy and purpose, Kylie in the woman you need by your side.
Odette. L. 

"This time last year, I was a frazzled mother of 2, just barely getting by. Thanks to Taylor’s courses, I’m a happier, healthier person for myself and my family."

Janell Parks
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